Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Accept your D-E-A-T-H

If you don't accept your death, what meaning can your life have? Don't be put off by the morbidity of this. you are mortal, and being precious, you have a problem. You need to take care of yourself without becoming obsessed with your health, to be safe and still take the right risks. Death should come as a friend at the end of your days when weary and the road impassable, not because took reckless chances to test your mortality. If you try to deny death, you end up losing your life. Death is not an option. It is imposed upon us. Just like life. The best preparation for dying is finding yourself. It doesn't mater where you are on the road when death comes, but that you are on the right road, making the right journey, to a destination you chose. Your life is your adventure; your death is just another reminder. Acknowledging your end imparts urgency to making the right beginning. Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? What will you leave behind?  You live deliberately by being honest in each moment, solving your problems as life presents them to you, by feeling your pain openly, surrendering to joy, giving in love, and by expecting nothing. In the end they are going to kill you. Accept this. Your life is your only reward. Live it so that it is worth dying for. Live every moment. begin anew each day. ;-)

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